11 January 2013


This is a sequel to 20/20, a previous post that has been tracking the growth of my pregnant belly.  We're 30 weeks down now, with an estimated 10 to go.  We're guessing it will be a girl.
Although the medical community predicts Jan 11th, George and I chose our own due dates with no good reasoning involved.  I decided on January 6th, and George chose December 25th.  This means that if the baby comes on Dec 31st, we're tied.  Any day after that, and I win our bet.  If I lose, I have to watch the 2005-2012 batman trilogy at home with George (see the dark wife rises).  If I win, however, George has to find a sitter and take me to the live show of Igudesman and Joo, which is playing here in Austin on January 21st.  Of course, for all we know, we'll be giving kisses to a sweet little boy in a sterile hospital room that day.  [Editor's note: this is exactly what happened.]

02 Nov 12 (30)
There wasn't much progress in weight or height this week because baby Einstein was too busy putting grooves on what used to be a smooth brain.  Gross.

09 Nov 12 (31)
McKenna weighed in at over 3 pounds and reached the height of one of those creepy overpriced American girl dolls (18").  McKenna is the American girl doll of the year, whatever that means.

16 Nov 12 (32)
Little Pilgrim could have grown to the width of our Thanksgiving placemats (19"), and will have an amniotic Thanksgiving Special on Thursday.  Pre-holiday, pilgrim was nearing 4 pounds.

23 Nov 12 (33)
Over 30 years ago, I was born at 17", weighing over 4.5 pounds.  Little Lan weighed the same this week, and measured anywhere between my baby height and 19".

30 Nov 12 (34)
Our breech baby grew to the height of a standard pillowcase (20"), and weighed about 5 pounds.

07 Dec 12 (35)
Height limit has nearly been reached at this point, but the bugger weighed in at 5.5 pounds.

14 Dec 12 (36)
The Little Worst weighed in at 6 pounds, and we all know what 6 squared is.

21 Dec 12 (37)
We've graduated from the land of preemies.  Bigwig Full Term weighed about 6.5 lbs.

28 Dec 12 (38)
We're ready to go any day now at about 7 pounds.

04 Jan 12 (39)
We're at week 39 with absolutely no signs of labor.  Lazy Bones was probably between 7 and 7.5 lbs.

11 Jan 12 (40)
Officially due, Baby should have settled in at around 7.5 lbs and 19-21 inches.

18 Jan 12 (41)
Overdue got all the prompting we could handle.
He came out the next day at 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and 19.5 inches.

13 Dec 12 (36) Bonus

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