08 April 2020

Rainbow Loom II

My biggest fan, my little sister, got spoiled by my dry rainbow loom post.

LS:  Are you going to make me more tutorials?
       Ones that use the other looms, or with different borders?
       I'm sad we only have one left.
Me:  I don't think so.  It's time for you to fly!
LS:  :(
Me:  They get much more complicated, and they're not as similar.
       You just watch whatever ones you like.
LS:  I don't want to fly.
Me:  The reason you have to fly is there's too much out there.
       And I would need a theme for a second post.
       Like "2 peg bracelets" for example.
LS:  Yay!!!!!
Me:  ha ha ha ha ha ha
       So I'm going to do that now?
LS:  Thanks Lan!
Me:  Omg.  Well.  Okay.

Before we go any further, I must give credit where credit is due.  Over half of these bracelets are from Rena T's youtube channel.  If you see a bracelet you'd like to make, but the translation from video to blogpost isn't thrilling you, head over there.  But what am I saying?  Liên is clearly the only person who has read this far.


For each bracelet, bands will be represented by natural numbers, 1, 2, 3...
The very last band will be called N.
So your bands for each bracelet are, 1, 2, 3... N.
There is no band named "0."

Actions "is placed" and "is twisted once and placed" will be abbreviated to P and T.
Actions "loops over" and "loops under" will be abbreviated to O and U.
O and U require looping over the pegs to the top center of the loom unless otherwise indicated.
Action "hooks to C-clip and attaches to initial cap band" will be abbreviated to H.
Most of the time, you will need use your hook to edit your bracelet after this step.

Modifiers "left" and "right," will be abbreviated to L and R.
Modifier "between" will be abbreviated to B.
B will always be followed by two band numbers.

Colors in a color scheme will be abbreviated to C1, C2, C3...
Colors "rainbow colors" and "border color" will be abbreviated to Cr and Cb.
Rainbow colors can be replaced by any assortment of 1 or more colors.
Conversely, rainbow colors can be superimposed into any color scheme, especially 2-cycles.

To review, we have: 1, 2, 3... N, P, T, O, U, H, L, R, B, C1, C2, C3... Cr, & Cb.

If a band number is placed before an action abbreviation, manipulate that band.
If a band number is placed afterwards, this describes the action and that band is left alone.
If L or R is placed before a band, use the side of that band that originated on that peg.
If L or R is placed afterwards, loop to the L or R peg as indicated.

Each bracelet tutorial will appear in six parts, as follows:
1.  Starting the bracelet.
2.  The sequence that will then be repeated to desired length.
3.  Ending the bracelet.
4.  Suggested number of colors; how to fit colors to cycle.
5.  Credit link

The Fishtail Series
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4P.  2O.
3.  NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  1-;  N/A.
5.  Common

Inverted Fishtail
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4P.  2U3O4.
3.  NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  1-;  N/A.
5.  Common

Tribal Fishtail
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4P.  3O.
    5P.  2U4O5.
    6P.  4O.
3.  NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  3;  C1 C2 C3.
5.  Justin's Toys

Single Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4P.  L2U3O4.  R2O.
    5P.  3O.
3.  NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  2;  C1 C2.
5.  Angelynn

Knotted Fishtail
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
    4P.  2O.
2.  5TTL.  6P.  5O.
3.  NP.  (N-3)(N-1)O.
4.  1, 2, 3, 4, N Cb.  Starting on 5, Cr Cb.
5.  Rena T

Three Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P, 4P.  1O.
2.  5P, 6P.  3O.
    L6OR.  L2O.  L6OL.
    R6OL.  R2O.  R6OR.
    7P.  4O.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  3;  C1 C2 C3.
5.  Rena T

Viper Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
    4P, 5P.  3O.
2.  6P, 7P.  2O.  5O.
3.  (N-1)P.  (N-5)O.  (N-2)O.
    NP.  (N-3)O.  (N-1)O.
4.  3;  (N-1) & N C1, starting on 1: C1 C2 C1 C3.
5.  Rena T

Flat Track Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  L1O.
2.  4P.  R2U3O4.  R1O.
    5P.   L3U4O5.  L2O.
3.  The last band placed was (N-1).
    NP.  L(N-2)L(N-1)O.
4.  Cr Cb;  1 & N Cb, starting on 2: Cb Cr.
5.  Rena T

Dish Dash Fishtail
1.  1T.  2P, 3P, 4P.  1O.
2.  5P.  2O.
    6P.  3O.
    7P.  4U56O7.
    8P.  5O.
3.  The last band placed was (N-1).
    NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  4; C1 C2 C3 C4.

Entrapped Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4PB23.
    L3OR.  L2O.  L3OL.
    R3OL.  R2O.  R3OR.
    5P, 6P.  34O.
3.  NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  Cr Cb;  N Cb, starting on 1: Cb Cb Cr.
5.  Rena T

Infinity Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4PB23.  2O.
    5P.  4U3O5.
3.  (N-1)P.  (N-3)O.
    NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  Cr Cb;  1 & N Cb, 2 Cr, starting on 3: Cr Cb.
5.  Rena T

Mushroom Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
    4PB23.  2O.
2.  5P, 6P.  4O.
    7PB56.  5O.
    L6OR.  L3O.  L6OL.
    R6OL.  R3O.  R6OR.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  2;  C1 C2 C2.
5.  Rena T

Rapunzel's Ladder Fishtail (Variation on Budding Friendship) 
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4P.  R2O.
    R4OL.  L2O.  R4OR.
    5P.  L3O.
    L5OR.  R3O.  L5OL.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  2;  C1 C2.
5.  Rena T

Tongue Tied Fishtail
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  L1O.
2.  4P.  R3O.  R1O.
    5P.  L4O.  L2O.
3.  The last band placed was (N-1).
    R(N-2)O.  R(N-4)O.
    L(N-3)O.  L(N-1)O.
4.  Cr Cb;  1 & N Cb, starting on 2: Cb Cr.
5.  Rena T

Cross Fish
1.  1T.  2P.
    L3P, R3PB12.  1O.
2.  4P.
    L5P, R5PB24.
    L3O, R2O.
    L5OR.  L2O.  L5OL.
    R4OL.  R3O.  R4OR.
3.  NP.
4.  Cr Cb;  1 & N Cb, starting on 2: Cb Cr.
5.  Rena T

Double Dutch Fishtail  
1.  1T.  2P.
    L3L4P, R3R4PB12.  1O.
2.  5P.  L6L7P, R6R7PB25.
    L4O.  R2O.
    L7OR.  L3O.
    L6OR.  L2O.
    L6OL.  L7OL.
    R5OL.  R4O.
    R7OL.  R3O.
    R7OR, R5OR.
3.  NP.
4.  Cr Cb;  1 & N Cb, starting on 2: Cb Cr Cr.
5.  Rena T

Twisted Fish
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  L1O.
    L3OR.  R1O.  L3OL.
2.  4P.  R2U3O4.
    R4OL.  L2U3O4.  R4OR.
    5P.  L3U4O5.
    L5OR.  R3U4O5.  L5OL.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  3;  C1 C2 C1 C3.
5.  Rena T

Rocket Fishtail
1.  1TTL.  2TL.  22PR.
    3P.  1O.
    4P.  22O.
    5P.  3U4O5.
    22O from inside back to pegs!
    6P.  22O.  4O.
2.  7P.  5U6O7.
    4O from inside back to pegs!
    8P.  4O.  6O.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  2;  1 C1, starting on 2: C1 C2.
5.  Justin's Toys

Fishtail Family

The Braid Series
Fishtail Braid
1. 1T. 2P, 3P, 4P. 1O.
    5P. L2O. R4O.
    6P. R2O. L5O.
2. 7P. L3O. R6O.
    8P. R3O. L7O.
3. NP.
4. 2;  C1 C2 C2.
5.  Rena T

Rainbow Braid
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  L1O.
2.  4P.  R1R2O.
    5P.  L2L3O.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  Cr;  Crx2 Crx2.
5.  Rena T

French Braid
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
    4P.  L3O.  R2O.
2.  5P.  L2O.  R4O.
    6P.  L5O.  R3O.
3.  NP.
    L(N-3)L(N-1)O.  R(N-2)R(N-1)O.
4.  2;  C1 C2.
5.  Angelynn

Frilly Braid
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  4P.  L2U3O4.  R2O.
    5P.  R3U4O5.  L3O.
3.  NP.  (N-2)(N-1)O.
4.  2;  C1 C2.
5.  Angelynn

Paisley Braid
1.  1T.  2P.  1O.
2.  3P.  R2O.
    4P.  L2L3O.  R3O.
    5P.  L4O.
    6P.  L5O.  R4R5O.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  3;  C1 C2 C1 C3.
5.  Angelynn

Aqua Braid
1.  1T.  2P, 3P.  1O.
    4P.  L2U3O4.  R3O.
2.  5P.  R2U4O5.  L4O.
    6P.  L3U5O6.  R5O.
3.  The last band placed was N.
    L(N-1)O.  R(N-2)O.
4.  2;  C1 C2.
5.  Rena T

Braided Pegasus Tail
1.  1TTL.  2TL.  22PR.
    3P.  1O.
2.  5P.  22O (single after first time).
    6P, 7P.
    4O to very center of pegs.
    5O straddling 4.
    L5UR4OL from inside back to pegs.
    R5UL4OR from inside back to pegs.
    8P.  5O.
3.  NP.  (N-3)O.
4.  4;  C1 C2 C3 C4.
5.  Loves2Loom

Funky Crossed Braid
1.  1TTL.  2P, 3P.  1O.
2.  5P.
    2O3U4O5.  3O.
    L3UR2OL from inside back to pegs.
    R3UL2OR from inside back to pegs.
    6P.  3O.
3.  The last band placed was N.
4.  3;  C1 C2 C1 C3.
5.  Amanda and Monica

Mermaid Braid
1.  1TL.  11TR.
    2TL.  3P.  L11U22O3.
    4TR.  5P.  R11L3U44O5.
2.  6TL.  7P.  L22L3L5U66O7.
    8TR.  9P.  R44R5R7U88O9.
3.  (N-1)P, NP.
4.  2;  C1 C2.
5.  Aira Tran

Braid Family

Not to worry.  There's much, much more.

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