12 December 2012


George and I went into our 34 week appointment on November 29th to learn our baby was breech.  I hadn't the faintest idea there was anything to worry about, due to a total lack of discomfort.  Having a breech baby at 34 weeks is no big a deal (especially since they tend to turn by week 36), but nevertheless, I was mildly distressed.  Immediately, I texted my friend Lauren and asked for a copy of her hypnobirthing breech meditation.  I listened to it the next day.
November 30th was the evening George and I had a date to see the Austin Symphony Orchestra perform Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring.  The ASO and Ballet Austin are doing The Rite of Spring this year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the composition; Indeed, it is wonderful, famous, and historically significant.  I've written a previous blog post mentioning it, and due to the timing, my youtube of Fantasia has gotten over 100,000 hits so far.  Among the mysterious melodies and jarring harmonies are terribly exciting rhythms.  The baby went nuts.
I don't know if it was the hypnobirthing (relax your uterine muscles) or the Stravinsky (dance of death sacrificing a virgin), but I have not felt the full-body baby movements like that since.  Today we went into our 36 week appointment.  Our baby is in a perfect position.

Drawing by Leonardo DaVinci, 1511

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