30 November 2017

Volume I: Hymns

Volume I: Hymns
Pianist 𝄀 Ruth Volkert Kratzke

1. Lift High the Cross
W 𝄀 660

2. Beautiful Savior
W 𝄀 838

3. Healer of Our Ev'ry Ill
W 𝄀 612

4. Battle Hymn
NCH 𝄀 577

5. Rock of Ages
W | 623

6. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
W | 836

7. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
W | 257

8. O Come, All Ye Faithful
W | 283

9. Silent Night, Holy Night
W | 281

10. Angels We have Heard
W | 289

11. O God, Our Help
W | 632

12. Brightest and Best
W | 303

13. Beneath the Cross of Jesus
W | 338

14. Were You There
W | 353

15. Jesus Christ is Risen Today
W | 365

16. Holy Ghost, with Light Divine
ELH | 8

17. Holy, Holy, Holy
W | 413

18. A Mighty Fortress
W | 503

19. For All the Saints
W | 422

20. We Gather Together
NCH | 566

21. Let All Things Now Living
W | 881

22. Crown Him
W | 855

23. Children of the Heavenly Father
W | 781

24. Here I Am, Lord
W | 574

25. Thine the Amen
W | 826

26. How Great Thou Art
W 𝄀 856

27. Be Still, My Soul
NCH 𝄀 370

28. Go, My Children/Doxology
W 𝄀 543/884

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