10 February 2022

Valentines VII

Tomorrow our Valentine's Day cards are due!
This is our third year rainbow looming, and we went with little fish charms.  I'm so proud of my little loomers - they've worked really hard on these.  So hard, in fact, that we ran out of time, and I ended up decorating their Valentine's Day boxes for them.  I felt guilty because doing your kids' homework makes you a bad parent, but they're off at swim practice right now.  So I could either be a bad parent or send my kids to school with undecorated Valentine's Day boxes.  I think I chose the lesser of two evils.

48 Fishies!

A Little Closer

So Many Charms!

Little Fish Cards

Rainbow Fish

Sparkles Fish

Ocean Fish

Jellies Fish

Watermelon Fish


The Big Guy

The Little One

All Packed Up

And Ready to Go

Happy Valentine's Day!

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