11 March 2011

Push a Little Button

I woke up with a song called, "Push a Little Button," in my head.  It was originally written by Tony Hatch in 1966 and recorded by his 15-year-old sister, Ninette.

This evening I figured out some chords and played it on my clavichord, which is an early type of keyboard.  The strings of clavichords are struck by small pieces of brass called tangents, whereas they are plucked in harpsichords by plectra and struck by hammers in pianos.  Clavichords have a much quieter range of sound than pianos, and because the tangents are in constant contact with the strings, clavichords can vibrate pitch.
The handsome fellow playing it, named Pooh, was bought for me by my mom before I was born.

George and I are trying to sing in unison.

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